EFT to Treat Backache - Health Articles Today.NET
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EFT to Treat Backache

EFT to Treat Backache
Back pain is among the most common health problems and is sometimes difficult to heal. If you are suffering from back pain, there is a secret technique that can help you and this is called Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is a form of knowledge therapy that can be self administered or can be provided by an EFT expert. Self treatment requires only a basic knowledge of the process and can be very empowering for any affected back pain sufferer.

Usually you are in pain given that your body is trying to tell you something and you keep neglecting it. EFT is an effective tool that could help you remove the back pain fully. During the therapy, you explore into your mind to find the problematic thoughts and feeling and react to these emotional obstructions by creating and reciting affirmations designed towards solving the upsetting problem.

EFT Steps to Relieve Back Pain
First and foremost, know the intensity of the pain on scale of 0-10, where 10 is the worst. Start EFT tapping on the karate chop point (the fleshy part of your non-dominant hand, between the pink and wrist), while saying your set up phrase. For example: Even though I have this dull lower back pain, I deeply and completely accept myself. Move on to the remaining meridian points, from the head down, tap a few times while reciting your set up phrase. Then proceed to the eyebrow point, start tapping, and say this lower back pain. Continue until you have tapped on each of the meridian points.

Re-evaluate the intensity of the back pain on a scale of 0-10. If it has reduced, you are doing a great job. Repeat the steps until the number is at zero. If there is no change, you are likely only targeting a symptom of the real problem. EFT tapping is just like tree pruning. You can see good result with trimming the limbs off the tree, but if you want the entire tree gone, you have to go to the source; taking the saw to the ground and then grinding up the roots of the tree to reclaim fertile ground.

Many people who are affected by back pain and used EFT attained extraordinary effects. Why not apply it to yourself now?

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